
Dermal Fillers

Get natural-looking invigorating results with a soft tissue dermal filler. The primary type of dermal filler we use is hyaluronic acid-based.

Each procedure is customized to your skin condition because fillers’ results differ for all patients. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that your body naturally produces to plump and hydrate the tissue.

Our providers are premium experts and understand the effects fillers have on all areas, allowing them to be injected in proper areas for optimal results.

The advantages of this treatment include:

Did you know? Dermal fillers have been used on patients for more than one hundred years. Fillers were invented in the 1800s by an Australian surgeon. Some soft tissue fillers are natural. Collagen fillers were FDA approved in 1981 and can be bovine or human-derived.


Dermal fillers treat smile lines (nasolabial folds), cheeks, chin, lips, hands, hollow eyes, and jawlines.
Most patients see improvements in the injected area within one week. These fillers will continue to improve for five to seven weeks after the procedure.
The duration of the filler depends on which skin area is injected. The skin areas like the lips won’t last as long as other static areas like tear-throughs. The viscosity of the dermal filler also determines the duration of improvements—thinner fillers such as Juvederm last six months. Thicker fillers like Juvederm Voluma last up to two years.
Yes. The filler injections can cause your skin to get an overfilled appearance, swelling, bruising, mild redness, or lumps on the injected area. These symptoms subside within a few days.

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We believe that beauty stems from within; your outer beauty will surely match your inner persona. Schedule your appointment today to feel like “you” again!


We believe that beauty stems from within; your outer beauty will surely match your inner persona. Schedule your appointment today to feel like “you” again!